Join West Michigan Flying Club Today

How to Join

Send in the application posted below per instructions.  Pay a $500.00 membership fee, (fully refundable upon leaving the Club).  Pay a non-refundable initial fee of $1,500 to fly Club aircraft.  Provide and keep on file valid credit card information to allow dues, flight time and costs to be charged to my credit card by the Club in the event my account becomes more than 30 days past-due.

In a few days you will probably be accepted and become the owner of 6 airplanes and 1 project plane. If you are not accepted you will get your check back. After flying with the club you can leave the club at any time and you will get $500 of your money back. No need to find a member to take your place. Join for a day, a month, or 50 years. The cost of joining includes being covered by the clubs insurance policy.

You will then pay $70 per month to maintain your membership dues. There is no minimum length of membership. This takes care of monthly expenses such as utilities, rent, and insurance.

Everyone helps with whatever they can do to keep the place clean, maintain planes, and any other things to keep the club cost down.

In 2023, the average usage was 26 hours per airplane per month, making them very available. Take one for a week trip.

WMFC currently has a membership cap of 120 members and we are currently running a wait list to join. Complete the application below and send in the required documents to to claim your spot on the list today!